Pilot Proficiency Check

For many years, a loophole in the Federal Aviation Regulations unintentionally allowed pilots of small jets and aircrafts to fly without the need for re-training or knowledge advancement. Pilots used to acquire licenses and would not be required to undergo any more proficiency tests than a private pilot hiring a single engine Cessna from a local Fixed Base Operator. As a matter of fact, a small aircraft casual pilot would take his flight review on a small plane and get an FAA approval to fly for just two years while professional aviator would use the same license for years.

This loophole lay in the wording of the FAR’s regulations. It required that only pilots flying jets that had two or more crew members were required to demonstrate their proficiency periodically. Because pilots flying single-pilot jets did not fall under this category, they only needed to comply with flight reviews every two years to continue flying in the aircrafts for which they were rated. Today, things are different. This unintended loophole did not escape the FAA’s attention for too long.

What is a Pilot Proficiency Check

Alle lizenzierten Piloten heute sind verpflichtet, einen Eignungstest oder eine Befähigungsüberprüfung, um mit einer Revalidierung ausgestellt werden zu verpflichten, or rating, oder für ihre abgelaufene Ratings werden erneuert. Diese Prüfung besteht aus schriftlichen und / oder mündlichen Prüfung von einem zugelassenen Prüfer bei einer anerkannten Flugausbildung Institution wie Palm Springs Flying School durchgeführt gemacht. Im Gegensatz zu Flugbewertungen, die von einem zertifizierten Fluglehrer verabreicht werden kann, (CFI), Piloten Befähigungsüberprüfungen können nur von Personen, die von der FAA zugelassen verabreicht werden. Diese können Pilot Prüfer benannt werden ermächtigt checkrides zu leiten, autorisierten Piloten Eignungsprüfer oder teil 142 simulator training organizations.

Pilots with expired ratings can only renew them by taking proper training and tests until their performance is rated as satisfactory. In order to be scheduled for a test, the National Aviation Authorities require a written application/notice to be submitted at least 15 days prior to the test. At Palm Springs Flying School, we are an authorized aviation training institution that not only necessitate proficiency checks but also offer personalized training that help pilots excel in the tests.

Preparing For Your Pilot Proficiency Check

The Pilot Proficiency check is a full checkride test that includes the exact same maneuvers as the initial rating as the checkride. This means that a typical examination covers all the aeronautical knowledge areas, tasks required for the specific type of rating, as well as areas of operation. Palm Springs Flying School is a fully-fledged aviation training school with seasoned instructors who can provide refresher courses for pilots who would like to be re-trained on specific areas of the flight course to make it easier for them to pass the proficiency checks on first attempt.

The FAA requires that the proficiency test be carried out every year to ensure that pilots retain the essential operations and system knowledge about the aircrafts they fly. Pilots who are licensed to fly more than one type of jet may go up to twenty four months without a proficiency check in any type of aircraft provided that they had passed the check in any type within the past twelve months.

Taking the Proficiency Exam

Because the pilots proficiency check is a pass or fail test, all the maneuvers and written test must be completed to meet the practical test standards (PTS) set by the FAA to be considered complete. Whether you have been flying continuously since your last check or feel a little rusty because you have not flown in a while, at Palm Springs Flying School, we have the expertise, the experience, and the equipment to replenish your flight competence and confidence through structured and tailored flight training lessons. We ensure that all pilots we train passes the practical and written tests on their first attempt.

Note that different FAA offices may have different guidance on whether all the steps of the pilot’s proficiency check needs to be completed at once or may be spread out over several days. When you choose Palm Springs-Flugschule, you will enjoy the same scheduling convenience when taking the test as you would when learning the theoretical or practical elements of the test. Talk to us today to find out everything you need to know about passing the pilots proficiency test.