Train Here
We know that the most important step in becoming a successful and highly competent pilot is selecting the right school to train in, Palm Springs Flying School
We know that the most important step in becoming a successful and highly competent pilot is selecting the right school to train in, Palm Springs Flying School
To fully maximize the rewards that aviation has to offer, you must choose the best and adequately equipped training school that has a reputation for offering safe comprehensive training to students and churning out confident and fully qualified pilots ready to rule the skies.
Private pilots often fly with an empty right seat and we would like to change that and share the experience of flying in a private plane.
Private pilots can basically fly anywhere they want, so long as they follow the applicable regulations, such as calling the control tower to request a landing clearance.
Step By Step To Getting Your Pilots License Probably the first big step if you want to get moving on a career that involves flying an aircraft is to get a pilots license that enables you to serve as a private pilot. To put that in context, there are lesser pilots licenses such as the […]
No matter your reasons for seeking a license to fly, the journey to being a competent and confident pilot begins at Palm Springs flight training school.